Corporate culture is an extension of corporate values

source:KF Quality    author:KFQ    2021-02-28 23:56:06

Corporate culture is an extension of corporate values.

It is the industry norms and thinking habits that are naturally formed in the process of survival and development of the company.

It is a feeling that can only be understood and cannot be explained.

As long as one person stays in one place for a long time, slowly will be infected by this culture, then integrate into this culture.

System is not corporate culture, slogan is not corporate culture, everything that is tangible, visible and can be copied in the company is not corporate culture. Corporate culture is a code of conduct and a habit of thinking that is unclear, unclear, intangible, invisible in the company, but everyone can feel it.

Indeed, it is the company’s values, ethics, vision, behaviors and work environment...Will have impact on the fortune of the company and its employees first, and then the impact on society.
