Code of Conduct

1. Integrity of services provided

All services provided by KFQ field personnel shall be performed in careful and highly accurate manners, and with the utmost respect for the company’s reputation for integrity.

2. Laws and Regulations

In the conduct of the business of the company, there shall be strict compliance with all applicable laws and administrative regulations in the country where the work is being performed.

3. Improper payments

Our policy prohibits any KFQ field personnel or representatives from making/receiving any inappropriate monetary payments to/from any governmental, political, business, or labor organizations, or any individual.

It is strictly prohibited for any KFQ field personnel to accept cash or other forms of payments directly, or indirectly, from a factory for any services provided by KFQ. Any charges for services such as re-inspections, holiday inspections, or over-time labor hours must be billed to the client by the inspection office, and payment must be remitted directly to the inspection office r as instructed on the invoices. KFQ field personnel are not authorized, at any time, to accept direct payment of an invoice or make any business or personal transactions with a factory, vendor or representative hereof.

4. Conflicts of interest

The term “conflict of interest” describes any circumstance that could cast doubt on our ability to act with total objectivity with regard to KFQ’s or its client’s interests. To that end, it is the company’s policy that:

No field personnel shall engage in any business that is in competition or conflict with the business of the company.

No field personnel shall participate in any activity in which they have a vested interest that could be interpreted as a conflict of interest.

No field personnel, or members of their immediate family, shall accept any special services, special accommodation, or other favors from any client, vendor, or other party with whom the company does business. It is advisable to follow a “doubt” principle in order to protect oneself. That means whenever anyone is in doubt as to whether or not a conflict exists, he/she should declare to interest to their KFQ coordinating office to demonstrate their impartiality.

5. Confidential information

It is company policy that we must not profit from confidential information obtained by us during our duties on behalf of the company.

All info received solely and exclusively from the client is held confidential. It is discussed only with authorized members of the client’s organization, and only with those members of our organization who are directly involved with the project. No field personnel shall violate the confidence in this company by our clients.

6. Bribes, gifts, entertainment, Favors, and gratuities

It is KFQ’s policy that all KFQ field personnel are prohibited from receiving or soliciting a bribe, gift, entertainment, favor or gratuity of any sort in connection with their representation of KFQ.

It is not permissible to accept any gift of any product manufactured in the factory where the KFQ a field personnel are providing service.

It is not permissible to accept any favor or gratuity offered or extended to KFQ field personnel where the KFQ is providing a service.

It is never permissible for KFQ field personnel to ask for or accept a gift from a factory, a vendor or any other person associated with them. In this context, “a gift” includes items with a monetary value such as merchandise, ticket, vouchers, hotel accommodations, after-business-hours meals, free meals, airline upgrades, etc.

It is not permissible for any KFQ field personnel to accept a gift of anything, even of minor value. Within the business culture of some companies, it is customary to give visitors small promotional items containing the company name or logo (i.e. pens, mugs, calendar, etc.). These items are intended for visitors. KFQ field personnel providing a service at the factory are not visitors and shall not accept promotional items or gifts, even of minor value.

Failure to report a bribery attempt immediately is a violation of this policy. If you are offered a bribe by a factory or vendor, or any other person associated with them, report this to your KFQ service coordinator as soon as it is safe to do so. The safety of all field personnel is important to KFQ.

As part of the fieldwork, KFQ field personnel may be required to take reference samples as part of the client standard operating procedures. This must be documented so the factory, local KFQ office and client know that this has happened.

7. Dress code

Field personnel shall dress appropriately to represent KFQ on their assignments. Business casual attire is an example of acceptable / appropriate dress. Blue jeans, shorts, open-toed shoes, tank tops are examples of unacceptable / inappropriate dress.

Field personnel clothing must be clean and client presentable. For safety reasons, open-toed shoes are not preferred footwear for product inspector. However on a case-by-case basis, open toed shoes may be allowed if required by the factory, as in the case of avoiding possible contamination.

8. General policies

Field personnel shall obey all factory safety procedures including the wearing of any required

Field personnel shall arrive at their assignment at the agreed time, ready to perform the required service and in possession of all tools required to perform the service. When required by the KFQ coordinating office, field personnel must confirm their appointment with the factory prior to the day of the assignment.

Field personnel shall not discuss the in-process results or final results of any inspection / audit with a factory representative while the service is in progress.

Field personnel shall not offer any advice to the factory on improvements without the express knowledge and approval of the local KFQ coordinating office.

Field personnel shall follow all standard operating procedures as provided when performing the required service.

Field personnel shall represent KFQ in a professional manner at all times.

Field personnel shall be polite and respectful. However, this should not be overdone to the point where the work is compromised.

Field personnel shall not gamble or fraternize with factory employees. Not allowed includes lunch with the factory, and becoming friendly with factory workers while working in the factory.

Field personnel shall not share factory technology with other factories / vendors / clients.

Field personnel shall not inspect any products away from the factory, unless at a client designated remote location, such as a warehouse or distribution center.

Field personnel shall not consume any alcoholic beverages, recreational or illegal drugs, controlled substance, prescription medications or any other substances that might impair performance and judgment immediately before or during work hours.

Field personnel shall not solicit any KFQ clients directly.

Field personnel shall not discuss any non- KFQ business with factories / vendors.

Field personnel shall not contact the KFQ client directly unless it is an emergency and all KFQ contacts are unavailable and it is specifically allowed in the client SOP.

9. Purchasing products at factory outlets / stores

Where a factory has a retail outlet adjacent to the facility that is open to the general public, it is permissible for KFQ field personnel to make a purchase to make purchase under the following caveat: any purchases must be at the same price offered to the general public at the time of sale. At no time shall KFQ field personnel purchase goods from a factory outlet that offers special prices or prices below what the general public is expected to pay. A receipt or bill of expense must be obtained and presented, which a summary noted on the relevant receipt of bill of expense, upon requested by KFQ. All receipts should be kept for a period not less than six months.

Where there is an in-factory store, and not open to the general public, field personnel are prohibited at all times from making any purchase from the in-factory store at any location where KFQ field personnel are providing any services.

10. Inspections and audits – additional policy requirements

In general, field personnel should make their own way to and from the factory, and should not ask the factory or vendor for assistance, especially if the factory is in major town with good roads and good public transportation.

In situations where local transportation is provided by the factory or vendor, this transportation is to be limited to work related activities only (i.e. transport to/from mass transit or hotel location). If a factory offers to provide such transport, any communications such as faxes or emails, stating this must be kept for reference.

A simple meal provided in the factory cafeteria similar to that which is available for the factory workforce is acceptable. However, an elaborate meal prepared specially for KFQ field personnel is not acceptable.

If there is no in-factory cafeteria, but a local take-out service is available, arrange to pay for this yourself.

If the factory has no cafeteria, KFQ personnel may be invited to a public restaurant for lunch. If this is the only alternative, you must offer for your own meal. Lengthy and expensive meals are not acceptable.

KFQ field personnel should not accept an invitation to dinner from the factory or the vendor, either before or after an audit, inspection, or any other fieldwork. It is likely that this will be a relatively expensive meal and it is not appropriate to be entertained in this way. However, when it is necessary to join the factory or vendor for dinner it is important to offer, in advance, to pay your share of the bill.

Under no circumstance is KFQ field personnel hotel accommodation to be paid for by the factory, vendor, or their representatives. If the factory or vendor offers accommodations in a guesthouse that they own, you must establish the costs in advance of performing any work, and receive a receipt for payment upon leaving. If the factory advises you that they never charge their guests, or accept payment from their lodging, you must refuse the offer and stay in a convenient hotel.